Renewal and Extension of MEIBC Registration and Administration Expenses Collective Agreement

Attached please find confirmation of the Gazettal and Extension to all Employers and Employees in the industry of the MEIBC Administration and Expenses Collective Agreement (inclusive of the Dispute Resolution Levy) effective 23 December 2020 for circulation to your members.


The following Levy Structure is effective from 23 December 2020:


Administration Levy (w.e.f 23 December 2020):

Per week Per Month
R1.72 R7.45
  • The Administration Levy is payable by scheduled employees onlywith a matching contribution paid by the employer


Dispute Resolution Levy (w.e.f 23 December 2020):

Per week Per Month
R0.62 R2.68
  • The Dispute Levy is payable by all employees (i.e. scheduled and non-scheduled employees) with a matching contribution paid by the employer


Wishing all a safe New Year.


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