CEFA can offer assistance to companies in order to enable and support their current Skills Planning and Reporting requirements.
CEFA are adept to assist companies with the preparation and submission of the Workplace Skills Plans (WSP), Annual Training Reports (ATR), PIVOTAL Plans (PP) and PIVOTAL Training Reports (PTR) on NSDMS.
Developing and submitting the WSP, ATR, PP and PTR submission documents serves as-building blocks to developing staff in order to ensure that organisations reach their strategic objectives.
Companies are reminded of the following:
- The NSDMS system is open for submissions from 01 February 2020 until 30 April 2020
- The Company Information tab will now require you to insert your company co-ordinates.
- The reporting periods for 2019/2020 are the annual training report (ATR) will be for the period 1 January 2019 until 31 December 2019, and the workplace skills plan (WSP) will be for the period of 1 January 2020 until 31 December 2020.
- Please note that the merSETA National Skills Development Management System (NSDMS) is available via www.merseta.org.za home page. Only electronic submissions will be accepted.
- Where a recognition agreement exists between the organisation and labour/union, immaterial of the size of the workforce, a labour/union representative on the Training Committee is required to sign-off on the grant application on or before the deadline date. This includes PIVOTAL.
- Where a recognition agreement does not exist and the company employs 50 or more employees, an employee representative on the Training Committee is required to sign-off on the mandatory grant application on or before the deadline date. This includes PIVOTAL.
- The labour/union or employee representatives, whichever is applicable, must submit an application to register via NSDMS follow the prompts to register.
- Large and medium-sized companies that intend to be considered for discretionary grants for PIVOTAL programmes must submit their mandatory grant application and complete the PIVOTAL plan on or before the deadline date.
- Medium and large companies that intend to be considered for non-PIVOTAL programmes will be required to submit their application via the discretionary grant funding window.
- The OFO codes have changed for WSP and PIVOTAL Plans.
The merSETA grant policy 2020/21 is attached. It is imperative that all Skills Development Facilitators and labour/employee representatives together with the established training committee should ensure they have read and understood the policy.
The guide on “How to submit the mandatory grant application” and the SIPs information is also available on the merSETA website – www.merseta.org.za.