NUMSA has served notice of its intention to commence with pickets in the Metals and Engineering Sector.
SEIFSA on behalf of the membership has advised NUMSA that it views this notice as being premature, ill-informed and procedurally defective in that picketing may only be embarked in support of a protected strike or in opposition to a lock-out. To date neither party or parties have served strike and/ or lock out action on the other and negotiations aimed at breaking the deadlock are ongoing.
Freedom of Expression and Peaceful Protest Section 17 of the Constitution recognizes the right to assemble and demonstrate. Importantly, this constitutional right can only be exercised peacefully and unarmed. Should members receive a request from their local trade union official, shop steward/s and/or union members to conduct, participate-in and/or arrange a peaceful demonstration, in workers own time and on company premises, this may only be done
with the explicit permission of management.
In the event that such permission is granted, the demonstration must take place at a designated area and in full compliance with all Covid-19 lock-down restrictions and regulations and importantly all health and safety protocols i.e. masking, social distancing, group size etc.
Management Guidelines
Should any demonstration spills over into normal working time, management reserves
the right:
• to immediately implement the rule of no-work; no-pay;
• any action spilling over into normal production time where no prior management approval has been granted will result in management reserving its right to implement appropriate disciplinary action;
• any action resulting in any disruption to work and/ or infringing on the rights of other employees who have no interest in the action will also result in disciplinary action; and
• Any overtime worked during the course of the week will be paid at ordinary rates to make up for the lost ordinary working hours as a result of the unauthorized action.
SEIFSA’s Industrial Relations and Legal Services Division are available to provide further advice or assistance to management in this regard. SEIFSA remains fully and completely committed to continuing negotiations with a view
to securing an agreement within its mandate. We will also immediately advise the membership the moment we anticipate that industrial action is imminent. We will continue to keep all members fully informed as developments unfold.