Protest Action and the Labour Relations Act
The Labour Relations Act (LRA) permits registered trade unions or federations such as COSATU, to undertake protected protest action to promote the social and economic interests of workers provided that they observe the procedural requirements contained in Section
77 of the LRA 66 of 1995, as amended.
This application was duly considered by NEDLAC and the NEDLAC Section 77 Standing Committee has determined the notice to be compliant with the administrative requirements of the LRA.
Consequently, employees participating in any action on 2 December 2022 (between 0:00 and end at 23:59 on 2 Dec) will be protected by the normal rules regarding protected strikes, namely: no work, no pay and no disciplinary action.
Furthermore, please be advised that with NEDLAC pronouncing that the action is protected, any other trade union or for that matter any other employee may elect to piggyback on the protected action.
Consequently, any employees participating in any action on 2 December 2022 will be protected by the normal rules regarding protected strike action, namely: no-work-no-pay and no disciplinary action.