Negotiations on the 5 th July held between SEIFSA representing the 19 affiliated Employer Organisations, NUMSA, Solidarity, UASA, MEWUSA and the SAEWA at the MEIBC, facilitated by a Senior CCMA Commissioner, continued with SEIFSA firming-up its offer on a three-year wage deal, on scheduled rates linked to a special
phase-in dispensation for employers in the industry who up and until now have been paying below the current Main Agreement rates.
The SEIFSA Main Agreement Negotiating Team will report back to the SEIFSA Council or Assembly of Associations on Friday, 9 July 2021 with a view to tabling a closing position for consideration by the trade unions.
The trade unions have likewise undertaken to consider what has been presented and negotiations will reconvene on Monday, 12 th July 2021. We will continue to keep all members fully informed as developments unfold