Please find a workplace preparedness Draft policy attached – which Ive aligned as far as possible to the Audit Checklist. As long as there is a risk of highly contagious viruses at workplaces, work and production will never be able to return to the old “normal” that applied before COVID-19. Due to the continued threat of infection, measures such as maintaining a high level of hygiene, social distancing and reducing the number of people at the workplace should be the new “normal”.
I would further recommend:
A daily analysis on COVID-19 at the workplace must be done and a written record of these risk analyses must be kept. The analysis should consist of, at least, the following:
- The identification of all possible hazards and risks;
- An analysis of the nature of the risks;
- Steps to be taken to eliminate or control these risks.
In all cases of businesses reopening, the condition of maintaining strict hygienic standards and social distancing should, subject to compliance with all the statutory health and safety requirements, still apply. Aspects such as the use of only key personnel or reduced staff (“skeleton staff”) who maintain their distance, personnel rotation, and working shifts may contribute to reduce the risk of infections.